The English Reformed Church and John Wycliffe Theological College
The English Reformed Church was founded in May 1984 and is a congregation of the Presbyterian and Reformed Churches of Southern Africa. We are thoroughly reformed and evangelical. We believe the Westminster Confession of Faith to be a faithful expression of biblical Christianity, yet subservient to the authority of the Bible, which alone is the Word of the Living God. The Scriptures bear God's divine authority and perfections, are free from any error, and are sufficient as the only rule for all Christian life and doctrine. Therefore, we must fully obey and trust the Word of God in everything it requires and teaches.
We believe that the church is God's agency for all gospel work. This conviction has been central to the English Reformed Church's establishment of not only the non-profit Good Neighbours Bookshop many years ago but also the John Wycliffe Theological College in 1996.
The College exists to train men for God's service as pastors and teachers who then prepare the Lord's people for works of service. Indeed, the Lord in his Word requires all Christians to serve him in uncompromising devotion. In our foundation and continual work of the college, we strive to serve the needs of the churches of Jesus Christ. We neither train men to bolster our own church or denomination, nor seek to convince men to join our congregation. Instead, we endeavor to equip men to preach the riches of the grace of God in Christ Jesus within their respective churches. Related to this desire, we require applicants to provide a testimonial from their pastors affirming their call to the ministry.
We provide this training without charging any tuition, though minimal operational fees are payable to Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. We desire to maintain this ministry in the interest of the Church of Jesus Christ in South Africa and abroad. In our desire to exclude from training the college those who imagine that such inexpensive training is casually entered and as casually abandoned, we charge a R2000.00 deposit, which is refunded upon the student's completion of studies or departure from the school in good standing.
Please pray for us. We continually need the Lord's grace to sustain and prosper our labours and protect us from the ever-present temptations of compromise and self-reliance.